Sex crimes are considered a criminal offense and can destroy the accused’s life. Asides from the legal implication of such allegations, defendants are often subjected to moral judgment. A person can be accused of various sex crimes, depending on their conduct and the facts of the case.
Getting one’s life back on track after such an allegation can be hard. However, the first line of action is to protect yourself by posting bail if granted. Due to the severity of sex crimes and associated charges, it may be hard for defendants to come up with the bail amount set for their release. This is why Apex Bail Bonds offers sex crime bail bonds to help defendants meet their bail conditions and secure their pre-trial release from jail.
Types of Sex Crimes
It is important to note that sex crimes can be presented in various ways. A defendant may be accused of one or more different types of sex crimes. Below are the common types of sex crimes.
Indecency With a Child, or Molestation Crimes
This is often associated with an adult’s lack of self-awareness and responsibility in the presence of a minor. Adults are expected to cater to minors and not traumatize them. Indecent exposure involves the revelation of body parts that are deemed private or sexual organs. Molestation crimes may also involve encouragement of a minor, participation, or performance of sexual acts before or on them.
Sexual Assault of a Child
This often involves the introduction or the performance of sexual acts on a minor who is unable to give consent to the act being performed. Sexual assault can take different forms and can be aggravated further by the presence of certain factors.
Statutory Rape
This is often characterized by an unforced sexual relation between two partners wherein one of the partners is a minor and below the legal age of consent while the other is considered a legal adult.
Attempted Sexual Assault
As the name suggests, this is an attempt to sexually assault another. The attempt may have been called to order by the perpetrator or rebuffed by the target or victim.
Other common types of sex crimes include
- Possession of child pornography
- Rape, or aggravated sexual assault
- Internet sex crimes
- Sex registration violations
- Stalking
- Use of technology to hurt others
- Incest
- Intimate partner sexual violence
- Drug-facilitated sexual assault
- Child sex abuse
- Sexual assault of men and boys
- Adult survivors of child sexual abuse
- Sexual exploitation by helping professionals
- Sexual abuse by medical professionals
- Elder abuse
- Sexual abuse of people with disabilities
- Prisoner rape
- Military sexual trauma
- Multiple-perpetrator sexual assault
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FAQs about Sex Crime Bail
The bail for rape is determined by the severity of the accompanying facts. Bail can go as high up as $100,000 or more, depending on the number of victims and added charges.
The bail amount for sexual molestation varies from one state to another. However, defendants can face as high as $50,000 or more in bail amount.